20.November .2012
Lead writer explains Iron Sky: Invasion humor, storylines
Dean Liapis sitting in TopWare's white chair

Karlsruhe, Germany, November 20th 2012 – TopWare Interactive and Blindspot pictures released the newest video in their “Iron Sky Signal” series today, featuring Dean Liapis, lead writer of the upcoming space combat simulator "Iron Sky: Invasion".
Running parallel to the film, "Iron Sky: Invasion" launches players into the middle of an interstellar space battle between the nations of earth and a fleet of Nazis who escaped defeat in World War II by retreating into deep space and hiding on the “dark side of the moon”.
Today's video features Dean Liapis talking about how he tied the movie’s story to the game, and the experience of working with the actors from the film. Most importantly, he discusses how he was able to bring the quirky, dark humor of the movie to the in-game dialogue and storylines, and how he dealt with making the game accessible to those who have not yet seen the film "Iron Sky”.
Iron Sky: Invasion features breathtaking action, frantic dogfights and epic battles against huge enemies like the mighty space zeppelins. Besides constantly fighting for his life, the player will need to keep his bearings by using the real time map, hyper jumping where he is needed most, in addition to finding and accepting plentiful side missions in order to gain better weapons and armor. A tactical shop and upgrade system aids the brave pilots in their struggle to bring peace and freedom to the people of earth.
The game will be available on the 22nd of November for PC and Mac across Europe. A console version for will follow in December.
Find the video on www.ironskyinvasion.com
Find the full episode of Iron Sky Signal on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eghx5ge1Z2E
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