Karlsruhe, Germany November 19th 2012 – Last week, a
behind the scenes documentary about “Iron Sky: Invasion” went live,
giving an insider’s view on some of the cutscene work being done in
TopWare’s studios in Germany. Alongside an interview with the German
actress Julia Dietze (who plays Renate Richter in the film), the clip
also shows Dean Liapis, lead writer on the game, offering up an inside
scoop on how the story of the game was developed.
The slew of cutscenes recorded in Topware’s studios (with
many original actors from the movie) all develop different dark-humored
story lines coinciding with the fight against the Nazi invasion. A
variety of missions await in the blackness of deep space, whether it’s
preparing a press conference for the Lady President or fending off a
squadron of Nazi’s attempting to destroy India’s TV-satellites. These
missions are only the tip of the iceberg in this fast paced satirical
space shooter.
"Iron Sky: Invasion" will be released for PC and Mac on November 22nd across Europe.
Watch the full video with English subtitles on ironskyinvasion.com
You can find the complete Show in German on the Digitale Spieleschau