Iron Sky Invasion sends screenshots from Orbit
TopWare shoots first space fighters into the night

The space combat sim allows players to shoot down fleet after fleet of Nazi space fighters attempting to invade our planet from the dark side of the Moon, and to stave off the "meteor blitzkrieg" they are using to attempt to bombard our planet into submission. The official "call to arms" has already been sounded on the game's homepage. Also, any brave pilots in the community can meet up on Facebook to be informed about everything that is happening on the frontline.
As ships such as the Rheingold and Valkyri position themselves for the first attack, players must decide if they wish to fight off the invaders with the fast British Spitfire or the more heavily-armored but slow Japanese Banzai. All ship models have been taken straight from the movie. Each ship class has different advantages giving players the ability to adapt to every unexpected need that will arise doing battle in the Cold Above. Utilizing the game's real-time star map, players can make tactical decisions about where to jump and which ship class to use for any given battle.
Alongside the screenshots of the Nazi ship classes Rheingold and Valkyrie, as well as the British Spitfire, the Japanese Banzai and Australian Dundee, the batch also features one shot of the huge Nazi Zeppelins which carry the space fighters into the fog of battle. In these gigantic vessels, hordes of enemy ships are lying in wait to leave the hanger and give players a taste of bullet hell.
The game will release for PC and Mac in November 2012. Other versions will follow soon after. The "Götterdämmerung" collector's edition will contain Iron Sky the movie packaged in with the game.
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