Soldiers! Heroes! Pilots!
Mother Earth needs you to defend her honor from the invasion of the Moon Nazis!
Are you an astro pilot or a cosmic cadet?
If you are, read on!
If you aren't, continue reading!
This is a call to arms for all space aces with hearts of gold and guts of steel. Join in the defense of the Blue Planet - visit the Federal Recruitment HQ, located in the Armed Base and Center of Defense of the Earth Federation (A.B.C.D.E.F.) in Krakow, Poland. There, you will be given the unique opportunity to try out the official "Iron Sky: Invasion" simulator, and test-flight the latest ships of the Fleet.
Submit your applications via e-mail, to: filip.szelag@realitypump.com. Use: "Testing Iron Sky: Invasion" as the subject line, and make sure to describe your availability, from the next week (27 August) until the last week of September.